Lesson One
Key phrases & Expressions 关键短语和表达方式:
a cup of tea 常用否定 not one's cup of tea 不感兴趣(不对胃口)的事;不是我的菜
a(big,good)deal 一桩好的大的买卖(协议)
It's a deal!成交!It(this)is not a big deal 这没什么大不了的事
a piece of cake 小事一桩,很容易做到的事
a small world 世界真小啊!哪儿都能撞到你!
Look at all these clothes designed by top fashion designers.Don't you think they are a bit too bright?
——Yeah,you're right.I absolutely adore simple fashions.These clothes are not really my cup of tea.
Work all the time?No student policies or anything?
——Well,certainly no student policies.That's not my cup of tea.But I don't think I should work all the time either.I have to study hard and enjoy myself.
How did he look like?
——He's not bad looking,but personally not my cup of tea.I think he carried himself a little too upright.I don't think he was much interested either.During our conversation,he seldom looked me in eyes.You know even when I was talking,he looked elsewhere.
Thanks for the dinner.It was delicious.Next time dinner is on me.
——All right.Next time you'll treat.It's a deal.
Your price is so high,I don't think we'll be able to pay them.Let's talk about it some more.
——That's OK.We'll try to work out a better price so that you feel it's a better deal.How about 10% discount?
Are people crazy?I think printing President on pants is no good.
——But it seems that in America,this is not a big deal.There are Obama hairclips,Obama sushi,Obama drinks and even Obama tissues!
Oh,these gifts are money consuming goods.I don't know how to express my appreciation.
——Never mind,it's not a big deal.The prices of these stuffs are considerably low compared with the taxes added on them.
Richard,there isn't enough room for so many guests to sleep.
——That's a piece of cake.Putting a mattress on the floor usually works.
I'm a terrible dancer.I'm afraid I may step on your toes.
——Don't worry about it.I'll show you how.It's a piece of cake.
Then,we must design an eye-catching banner to carry during the march.
——Yeah.That's a piece of cake.I have already had something in mind.
What a surprise!I never expected to meet you at a basketball class.
——Neither did I.It's a small world,isn't it?When did you start to play basketball?
Your face is so familiar.Wait!We were on the same plane to San Francisco last Christmas.
——Yeah,what a coincidence meeting you here in Shanghai!You know what they say,it's a small world.
Is Nora your colleague?It's a small world.But tell me more about this Nora girl.Is she nice?
——Yeah,she's very nice and very pretty.You know what?I think you two make a good match.Do you need my help?I would love to be your match-maker.
Notes to the text 课文注释:
top fashion designer顶级服装设计师;a bit too bright有点太艳丽;I absolutely adore simple fashion我绝对崇尚简朴的时装;to adore爱慕,热爱;absolutely完完全全,绝对地;Student politics学生政治运动;to look like看上去咋样?;personally就个人而言,就自己的看法,亲身地;he carried himself a little too upright他有点儿太拘束;upright太正直,直立的;I don't htink he was much interested either我认为他也并不在意我;conversation对话;to look one in eyes直视;elsewhere别处;delicious美味的;next time dinner is on me下次晚餐我请客;I think printing President on pants is no good我认为把总统的像印在裤子上不好吧;to print印刷;pant裤子;hairclips发夹;sushi寿司;drinks饮料;tissues纸巾;money consuming goods花钱的商品;to express my appreciation表达我的感激之情;the prices of these stuffs(东西,商品);are considerably low compared with the taxes added on them与加在这些商品上的税相比,这些东西的价格是相当低的;to be compared with与……相比较;considerably相当地;to add加上;tax税;enough room for足够的地方;room空间,房间;mattress床垫;terrible dancer糟糕的舞者;to step on your toes踩到你的脚趾;eye-catching banner引人注目的旗帜;to have something in mind早就想好了;what a surprise!真令人惊奇!;basketball class篮球训练班;familiar熟悉的;coincidence巧合,巧遇;you know what?你猜怎么着?;to make a good match配成一对;matchmaker媒人
Practice 练习
Oral Translation 口头汉译英:
昨天我跟我一位朋友去香港一家高尔夫俱乐部(golf club),我在大厅遇到一位女士,她的相貌(whose face)感觉很熟。我突然想起我在哪儿见过她。对,去年春节,她跟我搭同一班飞机去悉尼,她坐在我的旁边(to sit beside),她是个很健谈的(talkative)女士,我们又来自同一城市。她喜欢吃零食(snacks),她又带了许多零食,我们一边吃一边谈,几乎一路谈到(to talk all the way to...)悉尼。我们都很高兴再一次见面,这是一次巧合,难怪人们都会说,这世界真小。
我的许多朋友都喜欢打保龄球(to play bowling),但是打保龄球确实不是我的菜。我认为保龄球太重,虽然我可以举起来(to lift)。但是要我对着球门扔过去(to throw the ball at),确实不是一件容易的事。我的朋友约翰,他又高又强壮,他对打保龄球特别有兴趣。他常说举起保龄球对他来只是小菜一碟,他劝我试一下较小的保龄球。但是,这些小的保龄球是属于女士的,我还是坐在旁边看吧!
Paragraphs Recitation 背诵英语口语短文:
If you need o get down to London by Friday.You'd look on line to see if you can get a good deal.First you go to the“Timetable”and type in“Newcastle”in the“leaving from”window,and“London”in the“going to”window.Then type in(键入)the date and time.Here is the timetable for Friday.There are many shifts(班次)for you to choose from.Now,click(点击)“OK”under“buy rail tickets”,then the“journey type”is round trip(来回票)and one adult(成年人).If everything is OK,you will go to the payment web-page(网页)where you have to pay either in cash or in credit card.
The music industry is a huge(巨大的)enterprise(企业)in many countries,which is closely related to(紧密相连)the culture of different countries.But everybody has their own preferences(偏爱)for music.All the young people today love modern music styles,such as Pops,Rock & Roll(摇滚)or Heavy Metal(重金属)music.Classic music(古典音乐)seems not their cup of tea.In fact,classic music is the creation of musicians(音乐家)and composers(作曲家)from different countries,which has been the common heritage(遗产)of mankind.Classic music still remains popular and the tradition has been carried on by musicians and composers generation after generation(代代相传)indeed.