Lesson Eight
Key phrases & Expressions 关键短语和表达方式:
buy one's story(常用否定don't buy)才不信呢,有谁信啊
by all(no)means 当然可以(by no means决不,一点都不)
by the way 附带说,顺便问问
calm down 镇定下来,平静下来,冷静点
Well,you can trust me this time.My sister is definitely sick.I'm just coming from the hospital.They say she might even die.
——I don't buy your story.Try not to have any more sick relatives this week,all right?
Please listen to me.I've sent you several messages to explain.The girl staying with me that night at the cafe was my cousin.
——I don't buy your story.You've got so many cousins!I don't want to see you any more.
Boss,I'm sorry to be late again.But I met a car accident on my way to the office.There was really a traffic jam.
——I don't buy your story.I drove my car the same way as you did this morning.There was no traffic jam at all.
Oh,it's not a dance party so I think it's best for me to be there on time.
——By all means.And do you know that some families say grace before meals because of their religious belief.You just follow the host's example before eating.
Excuse me,Mr.Smith.May I talk to you for a moment?
——By all means.Take a seat,please.What can I do for you?
So what's your most favorite city among all the cities to which you paid visit in the United States?
——New York City,by all means.As you know,New York is famous for its cultural diversity.
Do you think computers will replace men in the future?
——By no means.In fact people's brains are a lot more complex than a computer.So,we can't depend only on computers to do everything for us.
Seeing these films on net is really splendid.But the net charge is by no means low.
——You can download them to read off line,which won't cost you much.
My name is Marissa Sanders.I'm in your Shakespeare Class.
——Yes,I recognize you from class.You sit in the front row.Your paper on Hamlet was excellent,by the way.
Okay,I'll get started right away.By the way,when is it due?Could you look at it before I submit it?
——Sure,I'd be happy to help.The deadline is March 4th,so be sure to bring it by my office at least a week ahead of time.
Yes.People's interests in reading vary considerably.By the way,what kind of books fancies you?
——I prefer reading essays.They are really splendid.What about you?
I know you can't hear me right now.Please calm down,Maria.Anyway,I don't want to part.I'll drop by tomorrow.
——No,don't.I don't want to see you anymore.Don't ever call me again.
The government definitely should do something.Or next time,such thing happens,I will be in the front of a protest team.
——You,calm down.Don't be such an emotional person.
You go and tell Mr Jing then!He's going to fire me for sure this time,this is another big black mark against me!
——OK,buddy,calm down.I'll square it with him,I'll tell him it was my mistake.But really,it was just a mistake.I did not do this on purpose.
Notes to the text 课文注释:
sick relatives亲戚病了;cafe咖啡屋;cousin表姐妹,表兄弟;car accident车祸;traffic jam堵车;to say grace(饭前)做祷告;religious belief宗教信仰;to follow the example照样学样;what's your most favourite city among all the cities to which you paid visit in the United States你访问过的美国城市中,你最爱的是哪一个呢?(to which引起定语从句修饰cities);to pay a visit to访问过的;cultural diversity文化多样性;people's brains are a lot more complex than a computer人的大脑要比电脑复杂得多;brain大脑;complex复杂的;splendid好极了;net charge网费;to read off line离线阅读;shakespeare class莎士比亚课程;to recognize认出来;front row头一排;your paper on Hamlet你写的有关汉姆莱特的论文;when is it due?什么时候(交论文)到期;to submit提交;deadline截止日期;at least a week ahead of time至少提前一周;to vary considerably变化相当多;what kind of books fancies you?你想看什么样的书呢?;to fancy钟爱,中意;essay散文;I don't want to part我不想分手;to drop by顺便拜访;I will be in the front of a protest team我会冲在抗议队伍的最前列;to protest抗议;emotional person情绪化的人;to fire辞退,点火;big black mark against me对我是个大污点;mark标记;I'll square(使人同意);it with him我会跟他解释清楚;to square(squarez正方形)使与一致;on purpose故意地
Practice 练习
Oral Translation 口头汉译英:
我昨天忘了在手机上设(to set up)闹钟,我今天又迟到了。我的同事们都在会议室等我开会呢?我对老板说:“抱歉又迟到了,来办公室的路上我碰到一场车祸,塞车了,我的车根本动不了”。老板听了我的话特别生气,他说:“我才不信你呢!我今天早上开车走的跟你一样的路,根本没有塞车。你下次最好找一个更好的故事来骗我(to cheat),好吗?”
我不同意大卫。如果要我回答“你在美国访问过的所有城市中,你最喜欢哪一座?”我会说,绝对是旧金山(San Francisco)。当然纽约是一座超级大城市,不过纽约的气候(climate)太糟糕,冬天太冷、夏天太热。而且纽约有太多的摩天大楼(skyscraper),它好像(to seem like)一座水泥森林(cement forest)。旧金山的气候温和(mild),它是一座适宜于居住和旅游的好地方,它是美国所有城市中最富欧洲风格(most European style)的一个。你肯定(to be sure)会很快爱上他。
Paragraphs Recitation 背诵英语口语短文:
Most professional jobs(专业职位)will require applications from potential(潜在的)employees.You should always hand in your resume.The purpose of the application is to gain(获得)an interview.The interview is by no means an easy job,because it requires a lot of preparation,confidence and determination(决心)to succeed.To handle an interview successfully,you need to think about the questions you will be asked and also the questions you will ask.You should have a clear idea of why you want the job and,what you can offer the company.
Currently,more women like to marry Shanghai men because they are more understanding,considerate(体贴的),and helpful.Understanding women(理解女人)has become a new criterion(标准)for an ideal man.Shanghai has been a very open and commercial city for many years,as a result of its longstanding(长时间的)Western influence(影响).People tend to be more practical and chivalrous(敬重女人).You would by no means find a bit of male chauvinism(大男人主义)there.Before the 1980s,Shanghai men used to be laughed at for their lack of manly character(男人性格),but now they have become examples of an ideal husband.