031【再远的“距离”,用这句也就够了!】How far is... from...?……距……有多远?
How far is it from here to there? 这里距那里有多远?
How far is the railway station from here?这里距火车站有多远?
How far is your company from your home?你家距公司有多远?
How far is your home from the bus station? 公交站台离你家有多远?
How far is his school from where he lives? 他住的地方离学校有多远?
How far is that from Beijing to Shanghai? 北京距上海有多远?
How far is the sun from the earth? 地球距太阳有多远?
What is the distance from here to there? 这里和那里相距多远?
1.A: How far is it from here to there?这里距那里有多远?
B: Sorry, I don't know.抱歉,我不知道。
2.A: How far is the railway station from here?这里距离火车站有多远?
B: About five kilometers.大约5千米。
3.A: How far is your home from the bus station?公交站距你家有多远?
B: It's quite near.相当近的。
4.A: How far is his school from where he lives?他住的地方离学校多远啊?
B: About a five-minute drive.差不多5分钟车程。
上面小对话中的“How far is ... from ...”句型你学会了吗?在日常生活中要经常使用才能熟能生巧哦。赶紧抓紧时间操练起来吧。
温馨提示:除了使用“How far is ... from ...”这个句型之外,我们稍作改动可以变成“How far is it/that from A to B”,注意这个句型中表达A地和B地之间的距离用介词“to”连接。