41 back up; block up; bung up; stop up
● 以上词组均为动副型,均意为“堵塞”。其中block up和stop up用得较多。
● back up可表交通、河道、管道等堵塞。如:I wonder what has caused so many vehicles to back up here.(我纳闷到底出了什么事,使这么多的车堵在这儿。)Mail is backing up at the post office for days during Christmas season.(圣诞节期间在邮局里邮件通常积压好几天。)The accident backed up the traffic.(事故阻塞了交通。)The flood water from the storm backed up sewer pipes.(暴风雨引起的洪水阻塞了下水管道。)
● block up除表示交通阻塞,航道、管道堵塞外(此意可与back up互换),还指有意堵塞洞口,或表鼻孔因感冒堵塞。如:The river is blocked up with ice.(河流被冰块堵塞。)[这里的blocked up可用backed up。]A snowstorm blocked [backed] up railroads.(一场暴风雨阻断了铁路交通。)The toilet gets blocked [backed] up every now and then. Don’t put anything in there, that will block [back] it up.(这个洗手间常堵。不要把任何易堵物放在那里。)The farmers blocked up the entrance to the cellars.(农民们把地窖入口堵起来了。)
● bung up是非正式用语,多指用东西堵住下水道、水槽等,也指因感冒使鼻孔塞住,这个意思常用被动语态,并常与block up换用。如:She has been bunged up since she charged her diet.(自从她改变饮食以来,就便秘了。)He’s not speaking clearly because his nose is so bunged [blocked] up.(他说话不清楚,因为他鼻孔塞了。)The potato peelings have bunged up the sink.(土豆皮把洗涤槽塞住了。)The leaves bunged up the hole.(叶子把洞口给堵住了。)
● stop up指用某物“塞住”洞口、通道,还可用主动形式表被动意义。也可指鼻孔阻塞,在表此意义时,可用block up, bung up替换。如:What can we use to stop [block] up the hole in the wall?(我们用什么东西堵塞墙上的洞呢?)If your nose is badly stopped [blocked; bunged] up for long, the infection may back up.(如果你的鼻子长期严重堵塞,传染病就会乘虚而入。)My ears frequently get stopped up with wax.(我的耳朵经常被耳屎堵塞。)Some rubbish got into the drain and stopped it up.(有些垃圾进入了下水道,将它塞住了。)