13 all over; far and near; far and wide; here and there; here there and everywhere; on all sides; on every side; right and left; left and right
● 这组词组多作状语,均表“到处”,一般可替换,只是侧重有不同。
● all over侧重范围,其后可接表地点词语。如:There was mud all over the floor.(地板上到处都是泥。)After football practice, my body ached all over.(足球训练后,我全身酸疼。)The news of the minister’s scandal was soon all over the country.(部长的丑闻很快便传遍全国。)I’ve searched all over the place for that dictionary, but I have not found it.(我到处寻找那本词典,可就是找不到。)
● far and near侧重指远近各处。作为名词时,常放在from之后,作为副词则直接作状语。如:Students came from far and near to see the Christmas display.(学生们从四面八方赶来观看圣诞节表演。)The good news was known far and near.(远近都知道这个好消息。)They searched for the child far and near.(他们到处寻找孩子。)The news spread far and near.(这消息四处传播。)
● far and wide侧重从宽广范围的角度说明“到处”。本词组意义和用法都同far and near,两者可互换。如:Soon after the earthquake, volunteers came from far and wide.(地震发生后不久,志愿者便从四面八方赶来。)My old school friends are scattered far and wide now.(我的老同学现在都分散在各地。)His heroic deeds are well known far and wide.(他的英雄事迹远近皆知。)The movie company looked far and wide for a boy to play the hero in the new movie.(电影公司到处寻找一个男孩在一部新片中扮演主角。)
● here and there和here, there and every where侧重从这里、那里说明各处,不能改为there and here。如:Factories and buildings are going up here and there.(到处都在兴建工厂和大楼。)We went here and there looking for strawberries.(我们四处寻找草莓。)Here and there we smelled something burning.(我们到处都闻到了什么东西烧焦的味道。)Although it is not yet the Spring Festival, the city is already in a holiday mood here and there.(虽然春节还没有到,全城到处已是一片节日气氛。)Broken cups lay here, there, and every where, over the floor.(地板上到处是打碎的杯子。)“Don’t you have a regular run then?”“No, just here, there and every where, whenever there’s a load to be picked up.”(“那么,你们有定期的班次吗?” “没有,随便哪里都行,只要有货装。”)Usually you scarcely see a single policeman around here; today they seem to be here, there and everywhere.(通常你在附近几乎看不到一个警察,今天他们似乎到处都是。)I’ve been looking for my pencil here, there and everywhere.(我到处找我的铅笔。)
● on all sides和on every side侧重前后左右,四面八方。如:Though he died a stranger to his country men, there was grief on all sides.(虽然他死的时候同胞们对他还很不了解,但到处充满着悲痛的气氛。)On every side we have heard approval of the Government’s new housing plan.(我们到处都听到人们称赞政府兴建住宅的计划。)On all sides the importance of training youth is recognised.(各方面都承认训练青年的重要。)There was great enthusiasm over the President’s speech on every side.(到处都对总统的演讲怀有巨大热情。)
● right and left和left and right作为“到处”之意,侧重左右两边,但还是意为“到处”。如:When the talk ended, questions were thrown at the speaker right and left.(演讲结束后,听众从四面八方向演讲者提出问题。)The bullets fell right and left.(子弹从四面八方飞来。)It transpired that for some years he had been swindling people right and left.(据透露,多年来,他到处在诈骗。)Look left and right before you cross a street.(过街之前,前后左右都要看看。)