No purpose, no control. The direct aim of each training-competition cycle is to develop the athletic potential of athletes through the complete training process to make excellent competitive performance. Training load is the dominant factor of the process. There is no training without training load, and no recovery training is dangerous training.
The relatively successful load control of training-competition cycle for the national men's 20km race walking athletes as the object, literature review, expect review, field survey study, and statistics as the research methods, this paper studies the general principles of training load control and its application by training load and the body reaction of athletes to provide the reality basis for the race walking theory, and theoretical support and practical reference for our country to prepare for race walking competitions.
The concept of training load control, equating-level training law, principles of accumulating load control, gradual peak load control, intra-training recovery time control, debt load control, and accumulating debt load control are put forward in this paper.
Raining load control is the strict control made by the subject in the process for the object to achieve excellent performance, which can be subcategorized as during-training control, interval-training control, and loading effect control.
The training distance can be divided into two types according to multiples of 2 or 5, with one shorter than 20km and the other longer. The former includes 0.05~5km and 5~18km. There is high positive correlation in the interlock, while no significant correlation in the interval. The fact that no significant correlation between distance and specific event performance testifies that performance is in positive correlation with training distance.
In a given time, the highest average score in one training distance equals to that in another distance multiplied by K power of the ratio of the two distances. K is the power index.
In a given time, the load ratio of the two distances LA and LB that have similar performance is equal to the J power of the ratio of the two distances. J is the load index.
Whether using maximum intensity or some intensity in continuous practice at a certain distance, the load value of the entire distance is equal to the sum of the isolated load value of each segment extracted 1+J root multiplied by 1+J power.
The load of constant speed must be less than that of variable speed in condition of equal results. With constant speed in a 20km race, the change of results within the scope of ±1:30 is considered to be reasonable. The training of speed changing ability of athletes should be paid attention in training tactics.
The load of constant speed race walking in the whole distance increases with the increase of segment distance in the multiplying power of 1+J. The load of No. N segment increases in multiplying power of [n1+J+(n-1)1+J], and the increasing load in No. N segment increases in multiplying power of [n1+J+(n-1)1+J]-1. So the load rhythm training of athletes should be strengthened.
Athletes train under 1.11±0.069 debt load during 3 weeks to 1 week before the match is in acceptable range, while under 0.65±0.12 is risky.
To construct a complete control model of load effect should highlight the personal features to carry out targeted training.
Key words: race walking; exercise training; training load; control