—— 序为《黄山神韵》摄影集
肖 峰
Mountain in The Fogs, Beauty in the Clouds Preface for THE VERVE OF HUANG SHAN photograph collection
Huang Shan is a very remarkable place of interest which is world widely known for her all kinds of special peaks, clouds, valleys and plants. She has her seventy-two peaks each makes its own picture. This natural art gallery has attracted many men of letters and artists:Xu Xiake, the famous Chinese geographer of the Ming Dynasty, once said “Huang Shan makes the other mountains look pale”, and“Having visited the Five Mounts, you lose your interest in other mountains and having visited Huang Shan. you lose interest in the Five Mounts. ” This mountain has also nursed the Xin’an School and Huang Shan School of the traditional Chinese painting, and masters like Jian Jiang, Huang Binhong and Shi Tao. At present artistic celebrities like Liu Haisu, Fu Baoshi, Zhang Daqian, Pan Tianshou, Li Keran and Lai Shaoqi also like to visit Huang Shan and have left priceless works. When Zhang Daqian moved to Brazil the leaving produces in him the home sick sensation. He wrote that “I topped Huang Shan for three times, sometimes in sunshine or sometimes in rain, I ’ve been so many places, in my dream it’s only there. ’’
Liu Chuanyan and me were once schoolmates and have been friends all these years. I knew his deep love for Huang Shan and for art. He has been always hold his warm heart for artistic creation and spent several decades of his lifetime with Huang Shan. I’d like to congratulate him on the publication of his artistic photos collection THE VERVE OF HUANG SHAN.
Liu Xie once wrote in his great art theory book WEN XIN DIAO LONG:“Never climb a mountain without enthusiasm,never enjoy an ocean without inspiration. ” That means when it comes to creation, you need excitement for it. My friend Liu Chuanyan has decided to devote his lifetime to Huang Shan since the 50th and for almost these fifty years he never gave up study in Huang Shan. So today we can see from his works he find the unique beauty of Huang Shan and add much conventional Chinese painting element in his photographic creation. For example, in the photos of “Peaks in Morning Clouds” and “Valleys in the Clouds”, the wash-like light in black and white mountain curves and the sense of the fullness has the feature of the Chinese traditional painting. And in another work ‘‘The Northern Sea’’ he chose to shoot only a corner of the mountain, which gives the readers room of imagination about the further beauty inside the valleys. “Ocean of the Clouds” records the greatness wide view of the whole mountain in the white, while ‘‘Virgin Peak in Spring’’ and‘‘Lonely Beauty” possess another style with the concision of the 1ines which show the essence of the objects rather than dense colors or complex lines.
In Song Dynasty there was an artist called Mi Fu who was known for his “Mi’s Cloud Mountain”. He liked to paint Huang Shan in the clouds under different kinds of weathers. Huang Shan in his paintings are usually dimly clouded with slightly the cliff or rocks exposed in a magnificent panorama in light and shadow. Although the painting and the photography are not exactly the same, as artistic creation they share some common rules that is to delivering the sense of peacefulness. Wang Guowei wrote: “Nothing is more important than having a wide range of scope, as of understanding and perception for an artist, because that’s where the creation comes from. ’’ This compass, as far as I ’m concerned, is the essence of all Liu Chuanyan’s creative works. The tranquility inside comes from the sense of the etherealness given to the readers by the works. The traditional Chinese artists have always appreciated the etherealness. In Song dynasty Su Dongpo wrote that “one in still can feel the moves, and the empty picture can have all the views”.
Huang Shan has her unique beauty. The secret hidden in Liu’s works to reveal the beauty is the use of the color of white. White is the color of the clouds. He uses the color as a supplement and the background to the whole picture. Famous painter Pan Tianshou once pointed out that the most difficult thing in painting was the use of the color. In this aspect we can see Liu Chuanyan’s extraordinary taste in art.
Another point we should value is the limpidity in his works. Like the old sayings that “With no need of having musicians nature has its own clean music’’ and ‘‘How wonderfully fair the ocean water is and I'd like to be cleaned in it”. The Buddhism and the Taoism, which are the main parts of the Chinese philosophy, both emphasize limpidity in their theories. We can see this kind of innocent modesty in the photos, the beauty of limpidity. Of course it comes from the photographer’s personal taste of beauty. Like his personality, his works are simple, full and internally rich.
In the late Ming Dynasty, in the preface Huang Ruheng wrote for Yao Zhisu’s HUANG SHAN, he wrote: “We enjoy the charm of the mountain is just like we see a beautiful lady, the smile and frowning, the dresses and the behaviors are always different. ’’ He pointed out that for the same mountain it appears various views. And according to different artists, the same Huang Shan can be recorded in thousands kinds of beauties.
Today I feel so heart stirring seeing the publication of the works collection of my old schoolmate. It’s great fun to read his photos and it reminds me how much Huang Shan attracted me.
Chuanyan is already in his seventies. I’m so glad to see the harvest of our generation. Nowadays the photography makes progress rapidly, especially the digital technology is simulative to the development of the camera equipments. The following generations must exceed us. I sincerely hope that my old schoolmate will provide us with more shots of the beautiful mountain Huang Shan.
Xiao Feng
In Xi Lake, Gui Yu Mount house
May, 2006
(From a poem of Army Commander Ye Tjng’s)