第163章 XXX.
The offended Monarch rode apart, With bitter thought and swelling heart, And would not now vouchsafe again Through Stirling streets to lead his train.
'O Lennox, who would wish to rule This changeling crowd, this common fool?
Hear'st thou,' he said, 'the loud acclaim With which they shout the Douglas name?
With like acclaim the vulgar throat Strained for King James their morning note;With like acclaim they hailed the day When first I broke the Douglas sway;And like acclaim would Douglas greet If he could hurl me from my seat.
Who o'er the herd would wish to reign, Fantastic, fickle, fierce, and vain?
Vain as the leaf upon the stream, And fickle as a changeful dream;Fantastic as a woman's mood, And fierce as Frenzy's fevered blood.
Thou many-headed monster-thing, O who would wish to be thy king?--