There is a pretty little French theatre at Altona,and the actors are much superior to those I saw at Copenhagen.The theatres at Hamburg are not open yet,but will very shortly,when the shutting of the gates at seven o'clock forces the citizens to quit their country houses.But,respecting Hamburg,I shall not be able to obtain much more information,as I have determined to sail with the first fair wind for England.
The presence of the French army would have rendered my intended tour through Germany,in my way to Switzerland,almost impracticable,had not the advancing season obliged me to alter my plan.Besides,though Switzerland is the country which for several years I have been particularly desirous to visit,I do not feel inclined to ramble any farther this year;nay,I am weary of changing the scene,and quitting people and places the moment they begin to interest me.
This also is vanity!
I left this letter unfinished,as I was hurried on board,and now Ihave only to tell you that,at the sight of Dover cliffs,I wondered how anybody could term them grand;they appear so insignificant to me,after those I had seen in Sweden and Norway.
Adieu!My spirit of observation seems to be fled,and I have been wandering round this dirty place,literally speaking,to kill time,though the thoughts I would fain fly from lie too close to my heart to be easily shook off,or even beguiled,by any employment,except that of preparing for my journey to London.
God bless you!
Private business and cares have frequently so absorbed me as to prevent my obtaining all the information during this journey which the novelty of the scenes would have afforded,had my attention been continually awake to inquiry.This insensibility to present objects I have often had occasion to lament since I have been preparing these letters for the press;but,as a person of any thought naturally considers the history of a strange country to contrast the former with the present state of its manners,a conviction of the increasing knowledge and happiness of the kingdoms I passed through was perpetually the result of my comparative reflections.
The poverty of the poor in Sweden renders the civilisation very partial,and slavery has retarded the improvement of every class in Denmark,yet both are advancing;and the gigantic evils of despotism and anarchy have in a great measure vanished before the meliorating manners of Europe.Innumerable evils still remain,it is true,to afflict the humane investigator,and hurry the benevolent reformer into a labyrinth of error,who aims at destroying prejudices quickly which only time can root out,as the public opinion becomes subject to reason.
An ardent affection for the human race makes enthusiastic characters eager to produce alteration in laws and governments prematurely.To render them useful and permanent,they must be the growth of each particular soil,and the gradual fruit of the ripening understanding of the nation,matured by time,not forced by an unnatural fermentation.And,to convince me that such a change is gaining ground with accelerating pace,the view I have had of society during my northern journey would have been sufficient had I not previously considered the grand causes which combine to carry mankind forward and diminish the sum of human misery.