I have been informed by Mr.James Dodsley,that several years before this period,when Johnson was one day sitting in his brother Robert's shop,he heard his brother suggest to him,that a Dictionary of the English Language would be a work that would be well received by the publick;that Johnson seemed at first to catch at the proposition,but,after a pause,said,in his abrupt decisive manner,'I believe I shall not undertake it.'That he,however,had bestowed much thought upon the subject,before he published his Plan,is evident from the enlarged,clear,and accurate views which it exhibits;and we find him mentioning in that tract,that many of the writers whose testimonies were to be produced as authorities,were selected by Pope;which proves that he had been furnished,probably by Mr.Robert Dodsley,with whatever hints that eminent poet had contributed towards a great literary project,that had been the subject of important consideration in a former reign.
The booksellers who contracted with Johnson,single and unaided,for the execution of a work,which in other countries has not been effected but by the co-operating exertions of many,were Mr.Robert Dodsley,Mr.Charles Hitch,Mr.Andrew Millar,the two Messieurs Longman,and the two Messieurs Knapton.The price stipulated was fifteen hundred and seventy-five pounds.
The Plan,was addressed to Philip Dormer,Earl of Chesterfield,then one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State;a nobleman who was very ambitious of literary distinction,and who,upon being informed of the design,had expressed himself in terms very favourable to its success.There is,perhaps in every thing of any consequence,a secret history which it would be amusing to know,could we have it authentically communicated.Johnson told me,'Sir,the way in which the Plan of my Dictionary came to be inscribed to Lord Chesterfield,was this:I had neglected to write it by the time appointed.Dodsley suggested a desire to have it addressed to Lord Chesterfield.I laid hold of this as a pretext for delay,that it might be better done,and let Dodsley have his desire.I said to my friend,Dr.Bathurst,"Now if any good comes of my addressing to Lord Chesterfield,it will be ascribed to deep policy,when,in fact,it was only a casual excuse for laziness."'
Dr.Adams found him one day busy at his Dictionary,when the following dialogue ensued.'ADAMS.This is a great work,Sir.
How are you to get all the etymologies?JOHNSON.Why,Sir,here is a shelf with Junius,and Skinner,and others;and there is a Welch gentleman who has published a collection of Welch proverbs,who will help me with the Welch.ADAMS.But,Sir,how can you do this in three years?JOHNSON.Sir,I have no doubt that I can do it in three years.ADAMS.But the French Academy,which consists of forty members,took forty years to compile their Dictionary.
JOHNSON.Sir,thus it is.This is the proportion.Let me see;forty times forty is sixteen hundred.As three to sixteen hundred,so is the proportion of an Englishman to a Frenchman.'With so much ease and pleasantry could he talk of that prodigious labour which he had undertaken to execute.
For the mechanical part he employed,as he told me,six amanuenses;and let it be remembered by the natives of North-Britain,to whom he is supposed to have been so hostile,that five of them were of that country.There were two Messieurs Macbean;Mr.Shiels,who we shall hereafter see partly wrote the Lives of the Poets to which the name of Cibber is affixed;Mr.Stewart,son of Mr.George Stewart,bookseller at Edinburgh;and a Mr.Maitland.The sixth of these humble assistants was Mr.Peyton,who,I believe,taught French,and published some elementary tracts.
To all these painful labourers,Johnson shewed a never-ceasing kindness,so far as they stood in need of it.The elder Mr.
Macbean had afterwards the honour of being Librarian to Archibald,Duke of Argyle,for many years,but was left without a shilling.
Johnson wrote for him a Preface to A System of Ancient Geography;and,by the favour of Lord Thurlow,got him admitted a poor brother of the Charterhouse.For Shiels,who died of a consumption,he had much tenderness;and it has been thought that some choice sentences in the Lives of the Poets were supplied by him.Peyton,when reduced to penury,had frequent aid from the bounty of Johnson,who at last was at the expense of burying both him and his wife.
While the Dictionary was going forward,Johnson lived part of the time in Holborn,part in Gough-square,Fleet-street;and he had an upper room fitted up like a counting-house for the purpose,in which he gave to the copyists their several tasks.The words,partly taken from other dictionaries,and partly supplied by himself,having been first written down with spaces left between them,he delivered in writing their etymologies,definitions,and various significations.The authorities were copied from the books themselves,in which he had marked the passages with a black-lead pencil,the traces of which could easily be effaced.I have seen several of them,in which that trouble had not been taken;so that they were just as when used by the copyists.It is remarkable,that he was so attentive in the choice of the passages in which words were authorised,that one may read page after page of his Dictionary with improvement and pleasure;and it should not pass unobserved,that he has quoted no authour whose writings had a tendency to hurt sound religion and morality.
The necessary expense of preparing a work of such magnitude for the press,must have been a considerable deduction from the price stipulated to be paid for the copy-right.I understand that nothing was allowed by the booksellers on that account;and Iremember his telling me,that a large portion of it having by mistake been written upon both sides of the paper,so as to be inconvenient for the compositor,it cost him twenty pounds to have it transcribed upon one side only.