"But, by the bye," said Gideon Spilett, addressing Herbert, "you never told us how you met this savage, and we know nothing, except that you would have been strangled, if we had not happened to come up in time to help you!""Upon my word," answered Herbert, "it is rather difficult to say how it happened.I was, I think, occupied in collecting my plants, when I heard a noise like an avalanche falling from a very tall tree.I scarcely had time to look round.This unfortunate man, who was without doubt concealed in a tree, rushed upon me in less time than I take to tell you about it, and unless Mr.Spilett and Pencroft--""My boy!" said Cyrus Harding, "you ran a great danger, but, perhaps, without that, the poor creature would have still hidden himself from your search, and we should not have had a new companion.""You hope, then, Cyrus, to succeed in reforming the man?" asked the reporter.
"Yes," replied the engineer.
Breakfast over, Harding and his companions left Granite House and returned to the beach.They there occupied themselves in unloading the "Bonadventure," and the engineer, having examined the arms and tools, saw nothing which could help them to establish the identity of the stranger.
The capture of pigs, made on the islet, was looked upon as being very profitable to Lincoln Island, and the animals were led to the sty, where they soon became at home.
The two barrels, containing the powder and shot, as well as the box of caps, were very welcome.It was agreed to establish a small powder-magazine, either outside Granite House or in the Upper Cavern, where there would be no fear of explosion.However, the use of pyroxyle was to be continued, for this substance giving excellent results, there was no reason for substituting ordinary powder.
When the unloading of the vessel was finished,--"Captain," said Pencroft, "I think it would be prudent to put our 'Bonadventure' in a safe place.""Is she not safe at the mouth of the Mercy?" asked Cyrus Harding.
"No, captain," replied the sailor."Half of the time she is stranded on the sand, and that works her.She is a famous craft, you see, and she behaved admirably during the squall which struck us on our return.""Could she not float in the river?"
"No doubt, captain, she could; but there is no shelter there, and in the east winds, I think that the 'Bonadventure' would suffer much from the surf.""Well, where would you put her, Pencroft?""In Port Balloon," replied the sailor."That little creek, shut in by rocks, seems to me to be just the harbor we want.""Is it not rather far?"
"Pooh! it is not more than three miles from Granite House, and we have a fine straight road to take us there!""Do it then, Pencroft, and take your 'Bonadventure' there," replied the engineer, "and yet I would rather have her under our more immediate protection.When we have time, we must make a little harbor for her.""Famous!" exclaimed Pencroft."A harbor with a lighthouse, a pier, and dock! Ah! really with you, captain, everything becomes easy.""Yes, my brave Pencroft," answered the engineer, "but on condition, however, that you help me, for you do as much as three men in all our work."Herbert and the sailor then re-embarked on board the "Bonadventure," the anchor was weighed, the sail hoisted, and the wind drove her rapidly towards Claw Cape.Two hours after, she was reposing on the tranquil waters of Port Balloon.
During the first days passed by the stranger in Granite House, had he already given them reason to think that his savage nature was becoming tamed? Did a brighter light burn in the depths of that obscured mind? In short, was the soul returning to the body?
Yes, to a certainty, and to such a degree, that Cyrus Harding and the reporter wondered if the reason of the unfortunate man had ever been totally extinguished.At first, accustomed to the open air, to the unrestrained liberty which he had enjoyed on Tabor Island, the stranger manifested a sullen fury, and it was feared that he might throw himself onto the beach, out of one of the windows of Granite House.But gradually he became calmer, and more freedom was allowed to his movements.
They had reason to hope, and to hope much.Already, forgetting his carnivorous instincts, the stranger accepted a less bestial nourishment than that on which he fed on the islet, and cooked meat did not produce in him the same sentiment of repulsion which he had showed on board the "Bonadventure." Cyrus Harding had profited by a moment when he was sleeping, to cut his hair and matted beard, which formed a sort of mane and gave him such a savage aspect.He had also been clothed more suitably, after having got rid of the rag which covered him.The result was that, thanks to these attentions, the stranger resumed a more human appearance, and it even seemed as if his eyes had become milder.Certainly, when formerly lighted up by intelligence, this man's face must have had a sort of beauty.