CRAMPTON (suddenly gripping him by the arm as he turns away again to the cabinet).So much the worse for them.I tell you you don't understand my character.If I could spare all my teeth, I'd make you pull them all out one after another to shew you what a properly hardened man can go through with when he's made up his mind to do it.(He nods at him to enforce the effect of this declaration, and releases him.)VALENTINE (his careless pleasantry quite unruffled).And you want to be more hardened, do you?
VALENTINE (strolling away to the bell).Well, you're quite hard enough for me already---as a landlord.(Crampton receives this with a growl of grim humor.Valentine rings the bell, and remarks in a cheerful, casual way, whilst waiting for it to be answered.) Why did you never get married, Mr.Crampton? A wife and children would have taken some of the hardness out of you.
CRAMPTON (with unexpected ferocity).What the devil is that to you?
(The parlor maid appears at the door.)
VALENTINE (politely).Some warm water, please.(She retires: and Valentine comes back to the cabinet, not at all put out by Crampton's rudeness, and carries on the conversation whilst he selects a forceps and places it ready to his hand with a gag and a drinking glass.) You were asking me what the devil that was to me.Well, I have an idea of getting married myself.
CRAMPTON (with grumbling irony).Naturally, sir, naturally.When a young man has come to his last farthing, and is within twenty-four hours of having his furniture distrained upon by his landlord, he marries.
I've noticed that before.Well, marry; and be miserable.
VALENTINE.Oh, come, what do you know about it?
CRAMPTON.I'm not a bachelor.
VALENTINE.Then there is a Mrs.Crampton?
CRAMPTON (wincing with a pang of resentment).Yes---damn her!
VALENTINE (unperturbed).Hm! A father, too, perhaps, as well as a husband, Mr.Crampton?
CRAMPTON.Three children.
VALENTINE (politely).Damn them?--eh?
CRAMPTON (jealously).No, sir: the children are as much mine as hers.(The parlor maid brings in a jug of hot water.)VALENTINE.Thank you.(He takes the jug from her, and brings it to the cabinet, continuing in the same idle strain) I really should like to know your family, Mr.Crampton.(The parlor maid goes out: and he pours some hot water into the drinking glass.)CRAMPTON.Sorry I can't introduce you, sir.I'm happy to say that Idon't know where they are, and don't care, so long as they keep out of my way.(Valentine, with a hitch of his eyebrows and shoulders, drops the forceps with a clink into the glass of hot water.) You needn't warm that thing to use on me.I'm not afraid of the cold steel.(Valentine stoops to arrange the gas pump and cylinder beside the chair.) What's that heavy thing?
VALENTINE.Oh, never mind.Something to put my foot on, to get the necessary purchase for a good pull.(Crampton looks alarmed in spite of himself.Valentine stands upright and places the glass with the forceps in it ready to his hand, chatting on with provoking indifference.) And so you advise me not to get married, Mr.Crampton? (He stoops to fit the handle on the apparatus by which the chair is raised and lowered.)CRAMPTON (irritably).I advise you to get my tooth out and have done reminding me of my wife.Come along, man.(He grips the arms of the chair and braces himself.)VALENTINE (pausing, with his hand on the lever, to look up at him and say).What do you bet that I don't get that tooth out without your feeling it?
CRAMPTON.Your six week's rent, young man.Don't you gammon me.
VALENTINE (jumping at the bet and winding him aloft vigorously).
Done! Are you ready? (Crampton, who has lost his grip of the chair in his alarm at its sudden ascent, folds his arms: sits stiffly upright:
and prepares for the worst.Valentine lets down the back of the chair to an obtuse angle.)CRAMPTON (clutching at the arms of the chair as he falls back).Take care man.I'm quite helpless in this po----VALENTINE (deftly stopping him with the gag, and snatching up the mouthpiece of the gas machine).You'll be more helpless presently.(He presses the mouthpiece over Crampton's mouth and nose, leaning over his chest so as to hold his head and shoulders well down on the chair.
Crampton makes an inarticulate sound in the mouthpiece and tries to lay hands on Valentine, whom he supposes to be in front of him.After a moment his arms wave aimlessly, then subside and drop.He is quite insensible.Valentine, with an exclamation of somewhat preoccupied triumph, throws aside the mouthpiece quickly: picks up the forceps adroitly from the glass: and ---the curtain falls.)END OF ACT I.