"So you enjoy motoring, Miss Gray?"
They had been out in the motor together for the first time, and were now having tea together in the library, also for the first time;and, for the first time, Nurse Rosemary was pouring out for her patient.This was only Monday afternoon, and already her week-end experience had won for her many new privileges.
"Yes, I like it, Mr.Dalmain; particularly in this beautiful air.""Have you had a case before in a house where they kept a motor?"Nurse Rosemary hesitated."Yes, I have stayed in houses where they had motors, and I have been in Dr.Brand's.He met me at Charing Cross once with his electric brougham.""Ah, I know," said Garth."Very neat.On your way to a case, or returning from a case?"Nurse Rosemary smiled, then bit her lip."To a case," she replied quite gravely."I was on my way to his house to talk it over and receive instructions.""It must be splendid working under such a fellow as Brand," said Garth; "and yet I am certain most of the best things you do are quite your own idea.For instance, he did not suggest your week-end plan, did he? I thought not.Ah, the difference it has made! Now tell me.When we were motoring we never slowed up suddenly to pass anything, or tooted to make something move out of the way, without your having already told me what we were going to pass or what was in the road a little way ahead.It was: 'We shall be passing a hay cart at the next bend; there will be just room, but we shall have to slow up'; or, 'An old red cow is in the very middle of the road a little way on.I think she will move if we hoot.' Then, when the sudden slow down and swerve came, or the toot toot of the horn, Iknew all about it and was not taken unawares.Did you know how trying it is in blindness to be speeding along and suddenly alter pace without having any idea why, or swerve to one side, and not know what one has just been avoiding? This afternoon our spin was pure pleasure, because not once did you let these things happen.Iknew all that was taking place, as soon as I should have known it had I had my sight."Jane pressed her hand over her bosom.Ah, how able she was always to fill her boy's life with pure pleasure.How little of the needless suffering of the blind should ever be his if she won the right to be beside him always.
"Well, Mr.Dalmain," said Nurse Rosemary, "I motored to the station with Sir Deryck yesterday afternoon, and I noticed all you describe.
I have never before felt nervous in a motor, but I realised yesterday how largely that is owing to the fact that all the time one keeps an unconscious look-out; measuring distances, judging speed, and knowing what each turn of the handle means.So when we go out you must let me be eyes to you in this.""How good you are!" said Garth, gratefully."And did you see Sir Deryck off?""No.I did not SEE Sir Deryck at all.But he said good-bye, and Ifelt the kind, strong grip of his hand as he left me in the car.And I sat there and heard his train start and rush away into the distance.""Was it not hard to you to let him come and go and not to see his face?"Jane smiled."Yes, it was hard," said Nurse Rosemary; "but I wished to experience that hardness.""It gives one an awful blank feeling, doesn't it?" said Garth.
"Yes.It almost makes one wish the friend had not come.""Ah--" There was a depth of contented comprehension in Garth's sigh;and the brave heart, which had refused to lift the bandage to the very last, felt more than recompensed.
"Next time I reach the Gulf of Partings in Sightless Land,"continued Garth, "I shall say: 'A dear friend has stood here for my sake.'""Oh, and one's meals," said Nurse Rosemary laughing."Are they not grotesquely trying?""Yes, of course; I had forgotten you would understand all that now.
I never could explain to you before why I must have my meals alone.
You know the hunt and chase?"
"Yes," said Nurse Rosemary, "and it usually resolves itself into 'gone away,' and turns up afterwards unexpectedly! But, Mr.Dalmain, I have thought out several ways of helping so much in that and making it all quite easy.If you will consent to have your meals with me at a small table, you will see how smoothly all will work.