At the door of the first house we came to,Alan knocked,which was of no very safe enterprise in such a part of the Highlands as the Braes of Balquhidder.No great clan held rule there;it was filled and disputed by small septs,and broken remnants,and what they call "chiefless folk,"driven into the wild country about the springs of Forth and Teith by the advance of the Campbells.
Here were Stewarts and Maclarens,which came to the same thing,for the Maclarens followed Alan's chief in war,and made but one clan with Appin.Here,too,were many of that old,proscribed,nameless,red-handed clan of the Macgregors.They had always been ill-considered,and now worse than ever,having credit with no side or party in the whole country of Scotland.Their chief,Macgregor of Macgregor,was in exile;the more immediate leader of that part of them about Balquhidder,James More,Rob Roy's eldest son,lay waiting his trial in Edinburgh Castle;they were in ill-blood with Highlander and Lowlander,with the Grahames,the Maclarens,and the Stewarts;and Alan,who took up the quarrel of any friend,however distant,was extremely wishful to avoid them.
Chance served us very well;for it was a household of Maclarens that we found,where Alan was not only welcome for his name's sake but known by reputation.Here then I was got to bed without delay,and a doctor fetched,who found me in a sorry plight.But whether because he was a very good doctor,or I a very young,strong man,I lay bedridden for no more than a week,and before a month I was able to take the road again with a good heart.
All this time Alan would not leave me though I often pressed him,and indeed his foolhardiness in staying was a common subject of outcry with the two or three friends that were let into the secret.He hid by day in a hole of the braes under a little wood;and at night,when the coast was clear,would come into the house to visit me.I need not say if I was pleased to see him;Mrs.Maclaren,our hostess,thought nothing good enough for such a guest;and as Duncan Dhu (which was the name of our host)had a pair of pipes in his house,and was much of a lover of music,this time of my recovery was quite a festival,and we commonly turned night into day.
The soldiers let us be;although once a party of two companies and some dragoons went by in the bottom of the valley,where Icould see them through the window as I lay in bed.What was much more astonishing,no magistrate came near me,and there was no question put of whence I came or whither I was going;and in that time of excitement,I was as free of all inquiry as though I had lain in a desert.Yet my presence was known before I left to all the people in Balquhidder and the adjacent parts;many coming about the house on visits and these (after the custom of the country)spreading the news among their neighbours.The bills,too,had now been printed.There was one pinned near the foot of my bed,where I could read my own not very flattering portrait and,in larger characters,the amount of the blood money that had been set upon my life.Duncan Dhu and the rest that knew that Ihad come there in Alan's company,could have entertained no doubt of who I was;and many others must have had their guess.For though I had changed my clothes,I could not change my age or person;and Lowland boys of eighteen were not so rife in these parts of the world,and above all about that time,that they could fail to put one thing with another,and connect me with the bill.So it was,at least.Other folk keep a secret among two or three near friends,and somehow it leaks out;but among these clansmen,it is told to a whole countryside,and they will keep it for a century.
There was but one thing happened worth narrating;and that is the visit I had of Robin Oig,one of the sons of the notorious Rob Roy.He was sought upon all sides on a charge of carrying a young woman from Balfron and marrying her (as was alleged)by force;yet he stepped about Balquhidder like a gentleman in his own walled policy.It was he who had shot James Maclaren at the plough stilts,a quarrel never satisfied;yet he walked into the house of his blood enemies as a rider[30]might into a public inn.
Duncan had time to pass me word of who it was;and we looked at one another in concern.You should understand,it was then close upon the time of Alan's coming;the two were little likely to agree;and yet if we sent word or sought to make a signal,it was sure to arouse suspicion in a man under so dark a cloud as the Macgregor.
He came in with a great show of civility,but like a man among inferiors;took off his bonnet to Mrs.Maclaren,but clapped it on his head again to speak to Duncan;and leaving thus set himself (as he would have thought)in a proper light,came to my bedside and bowed.
"I am given to know,sir,"says he,"that your name is Balfour.""They call me David Balfour,"said I,"at your service.""I would give ye my name in return,sir"he replied,"but it's one somewhat blown upon of late days;and it'll perhaps suffice if I tell ye that I am own brother to James More Drummond or Macgregor,of whom ye will scarce have failed to hear.""No,sir,"said I,a little alarmed;"nor yet of your father,Macgregor-Campbell."And I sat up and bowed in bed;for Ithought best to compliment him,in case he was proud of having had an outlaw to his father.