'Well, you will be, and that's all the same; but I have no such title to honour, thank God.'
They walked on in silence for a little while, for Mr Moffat hardly knew who to manage the business he had in hand. 'It is quite delightful to watch these people,' he said at last; 'now they accuse us of being tuft-hunters.'
'Do they?' said Miss Dunstable. 'Upon my word I didn't know that anybody ever so accused me.'
'I didn't mean you and me personally.'
'Oh! I'm glad of that.'
'But that is what the world says of persons of our class. Now it seems to me that toadying is all on the other side. The countess here does toady you, and so do the young ladies.'
'Do they? if so, upon my word I didn't know it. But, to tell the truth, I don't think much of such things. I live mostly to myself, Mr Moffat.'
'I see that you do, and I admire you for it; but, Miss Dunstable, you cannot always live so,' and Mr Moffat looked at her in a manner which gave her the first intimation of his coming burst of tenderness.
'That's as may be, Mr Moffat,' said she.
He went on beating about the bush for some time--giving her to understand now necessary it was that persons situated as they were should live either for themselves or for each other, and that, above all things, they should beware of falling into the mouths of voracious aristocratic lions who go about looking for prey--till they came to a turn in the grounds; at which Miss Dunstable declared her intention of going in. She had walked enough, she said. As by this time Mr Moffat's immediate intentions were becoming visible she thought it prudent to retire. 'Don't let me take you in, Mr Moffat; but my boots are a little damp, and Dr Easyman will never forgive me if I do not hurry in as fast as I can.'
'Your feet damp?--I hope not: I do hope not,' said he, with a look of the greatest solicitude.
'Oh! it's nothing to signify; but it's well to be prudent, you know.
Good morning, Mr Moffat.'
'Miss Dunstable!'
'Eh--yes!' and Miss Dunstable stopped in the grand path. 'I won't let you return with me, Mr Moffat, because I know you were coming in so soon.'
'Miss Dunstable; I shall be leaving here to-morrow.'
'Yes; and I go myself the day after.'
'I know it. I am going to town and you are going abroad. It may be long--very long--before we meet again.'
'About Easter,' said Miss Dunstable; 'that is, if the doctor doesn't known up on the road.'
'And I had, had wish to say something before we part for so long a time. Miss Dunstable--'
'Stop!--Mr Moffat. Let me ask you one question. I'll hear anything that you have got to say, but on one condition: that is, that Miss Augusta Gresham shall be by while you say it. Will you consent to that?'
'Miss Augusta Gresham,' said he, 'has no right to listen to my private conversation.'
'Has she not, Mr Moffat? then I think she should have. I, at any rate, will not so far interfere with what I look on as her undoubted privileges as to be a party to any secret in which she may not participate.'
'But, Miss Dunstable--'
And to tell you fairly, Mr Moffat, any secret that you do tell me, I shall most undoubtedly repeat to her before dinner. Good morning, Mr Moffat; my feet are certainly a little damp, and if I stay a moment longer, Dr Easyman will put off my foreign trip for at least a week.'
And so she left him standing alone in the middle of the gravel-walk.
For a moment or two, Mr Moffat consoled himself in his misfortune by thinking how he might avenge himself on Miss Dunstable. Soon, however, such futile ideas left his brain. Why should he give over the chase because the rich galleon had escaped him on this, his first cruise in pursuit of her? Such prizes were not to be won so easily. His present objection clearly consisted in his engagement to Miss Gresham, and in that only. Let that engagement be at an end, notoriously and publicly broken off, and this objection would fall to the ground. Yes; ships so richly freighted were not to be run down in one summer morning's plain sailing. Instead of looking for his revenge on Miss Dunstable, it would be more prudent in him--more in keeping with his character--to pursue his object, and overcome such difficulties as he might find his way.