New Words and Expressions
4.not only……but also……不仅……而且……
5.engage in 参加;从事;忙于
10.dropping out 辍学
“Would you like to tell me the ranks of German Universittes?”asks Wang Chenxin.
It's a pleasure. According to the latest ranking of the German Research Foundation(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft),the top 10 universities in Germany are:Heidelberg University, Munich University, Munich Technical University, Aachen Technical University, Tübingen University, Berlin Free University, Freiburg University, Würzburg University, Karlsruhe Technical University and Bremen University.The oldest university in Germany is Heidelberg University(founded in 1386).
Universities of applied sciences(Fachhochschule)are characterized by a more practtcal orientatton and a much shorter study time(about three years).They have only a very short traditton to look back on and were ffrst established in the 1960s and 70s.Nevertheless, they have enjoyed a rapid increase in popularity and a quarter of all students now decide to begin their higher education career there.What attracts so many students to them is that they are able to offer a shorter route to the desired profession by a more ttght organizatton of degree courses, teaching in small groups and more practice-oriented studies.Labor market opportunities for graduates also tend to be better than for university graduates who have studied similar courses.Offen, universittes of applied sciences are more closely connected with the regional industry and do a lot of research for and in cooperation with local companies.The range of subjects though is more limited than at universittes and is usually centered around engineering, business administration or computer science.Upon graduation, a University of Applied Sciences Diploma is awarded(Diplom FH).Recently, B.A.and partly also M.A.degree programs have also been introduced,says Li Yucui.
“How about the international students in Germany?”asks Wang Chenxin.
“About two million students around the world decide to attend a university abroad.More than one tenth of those students decide to go to Germany.Currently, there are about 240,000 foreign students enrolled at all kinds of instttuttons of higher educatton in Germany and the largest group actually comes from China(about 30,000).The main reasons for so many foreign students to choose Germany as their preferred study desttnatton are the good quality of German education and the absence of or the comparatively cheap tuitton fees.Another important factor is the importance of German as the most commonly spoken language in the European Union(100 million nattve speakers)and as the second most widely used scienttffc language(18%of all books worldwide are published in German).Germany is also located in the heart of Europe and thus the perfect place to learn more about European culture.”
Almost all German universittes now also offer internattonally-oriented B.A.and M.A.degree courses taught in English for those who do not have enough ttme to learn German in advance.German language courses can then be attended parallel to your studies.Possible subjects range from‘Aeronautical and Astronauttcal Technology’at the University of Applied Sciences in Aachen to‘World Heritage Studies’at the Technical University in Cottbus.There are also more than 150 so-called European degree courses, in which students spend at least two semesters at the respecttve European partner university and are then able to obtain a double degree from both the German and the partner university at the end of their studies,says Li Yucui.
“Please tell me the admission requirements for Chinese students,”asks Wang Chenxin.
“Hold on!I will tell you when I come back,”says Li Yucui.
李玉翠答:“好的!根据最新德国研究基金排名(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft),前10名德国大学是:海德堡大学(Heidelberg University)、慕尼黑大学(Munich University)、慕尼黑技术大学(Munich Technical University)、亚琛工业大学(Technical University)、图宾根大学(Tübingen University)、柏林自由大学(Berlin Free University)弗雷堡大学(Freiburg University)、维尔茨堡大学(Würzburg University)、卡尔斯鲁厄技术大学(Karlsruhe Technical University)和不莱梅大学(Bremen University)。德国历史最悠久的大学是海德堡大学(Heidelberg University)(建于1386年)。”
“应用技术学院(Fachhochschule)的特点是应用,学习时间要短得多(大约3年)。这些大学的历史非常短,在上世纪60到70年代建立。然而,他们却名声鹊起、生源快速增长。现在德国四分之一的学生选择这里开始他们的高等教育。吸引那么多学生来就读的原因是,通过更严密的学位课程组织、小班教学和更多的学习实践,向学生们提供一条通往理想职业的捷径。和学习相似课程的大学毕业生比起来,他们的就业前景更好。应用技术学院通常和地方产业紧密联系,为当地的公司做许多研究项目,进行许多合作。和大学相比,其学科范围受到较多限制,通常围绕着工程、企业管理、或者计算机科学。毕业时获得应用技术学院文凭(Diplom FH)。最近也开设了学士和硕士课程。”