Sports is the mark of social development and civilization progress while sport development level is the important embodiment of comprehensive nation-al strength and social civilization degree. Beijing hosting 2008 Olympiad is the embodiment of Chinese comprehensive national strength and will bring great impact on Chinese national economy. However,from the history of the previous Olympiad hosting countries,they have been still paying the debt for Olympic Games. Hence,it is of great significance to plan post-Olympiad sport stadiums and surrounding matching facilities appropriately and prospec-tively for improving the post-games utilization rate and promoting the further development of the cities.
Geographical information technology is a technical system collecting,sto-ring,managing,operating,analyzing,displaying and describing the geo-graphical data distributed in the whole or part of the earth surface(including the atmosphere),with the support of computer hardware and software sys-tems. With the application of geographical information technology in unified computer managing the space data and attribute data of the neighboring area surrounding the sport stadiums,it is possible to more scientifically consider and use the city resources available to make it more tightly combined with city development,community programming and citizen demand. Meanwhile,we can ecologically manage the surrounding matching facilities and the neighbor-ing areas,including regional ecological programming,environment evalua-tion,environment impact evaluation,decision supports of pollutant solution, environment and regional sustainable development,management of environ-ment protection facilities and environment programming,so as to realize the reasonable programming and sustainable development of sport stadiums.
The research target is mainly including geographical information system, city programming,Olympic stadium construction and utilization. Based on the research review and theory of center geography,according to the investigation and statistical analysis of recent sport stadium construction and programming at home and abroad,the author proposed the principal of reasonable program-ming sport stadiums with the combination of theories of sport industry develop-ment programming,sport resource integration and optimization. Through the comparative analysis of the previous Olympic hosting cities,the author con-cluded the development trend of construction and programming of the Olympic cities. With the application of analytic hierarchy process,the utilization im-pact factors of sport stadiums after Beijing Olympic Games were analyzed and evaluated to realize the combination of sport evaluation factor and GIS opera-tion,make the evaluation result quantitative and improve the objectivity of the evaluation. Meanwhile,with the support of the theory of geographical infor-mation,Olympic stadiums programming and utilization,programming process,construction of programming model were systematically studied. Sec-ondary programming model was built up and some suggestions on the utiliza-tion of geographical information technology in sport stadium programming were proposed.
Key words:GIS;Post-Olympic sport stadiums;evaluation model;pro-gramming