Unit 4 Exercises and Supplement 单元四练习与补充
I.Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions or wonds provided.
1.We are indebted______the Chamber of Commerce______your name and address.
2.We are______the cotton goods business,especially______your line,and also handle other goods______the Pakistani market.
3.The British Embassy______Beijing has advised us to get______touch______you concerning the wholesale business______Transistor Radio.
4.We understand______your advertisement______“Electric”that you are exporters______silver spoons.
5.We specialize______supplying small stores______rural areas. Over 3,000 of these stores virtually depend______us,and these assured sales outlets enable us to dispose______fairly large quantities.
6.______regular purchase ______quantities ______not less than five gross of individual items we would allow you a discount of 20%.
7.We have______(entered into;been interested in)a provisional agreement on technical cooperation.
8.The letter we received yesterday is an enquiry______(about;for)the division of labor.
9.We want to know what______(model;sort)of kniting machine can be supplied______(from;in)stock.
10.We thank you for your letter of yesterday and the______(enclosed;sent)catalogue.
II.Translate the following sentences into English:
1. 我们看到你方在《海外杂志》上的广告,希望寄我方价目单,并详告你们的条款。
2. 请详告昨日《纽约时报》所登广告介绍的竹制玩具价格及最早交货期。
3. 请按你方在8月号《大使》上刊登的“超石”纽扣报价,并告最早交货期。
4. 我们在菲律宾销售各类家具。
5. 我们对第466号货物感兴趣,相信在我国会有很大的销路。
6. 对你方第四号目录中所列杰克刀有兴趣,请报最低价,最优折扣和交货期。
7. 我们对贵方的印花真丝围巾很感兴趣,请介绍一下贵方的价格好吗?
8. 目前我们的一些客户对你们的纯毛地毯颇有兴趣,并询问其质量和价格。
9. 我们认为你方的格力牌空调机在这里会很畅销,希望很快收到你们的样品。
10. 我很高兴地告诉你们,这里的市场对你们的555牌不锈钢炊具需求量很大。我们想发出询盘。
11. 请尽快把贵公司同他们的交往经验告诉我们。
12. 如能对上述公司的财政状况和可靠性提出你们的意见,我们将不胜感激。
13. 史密斯公司提供贵公司为其咨询人,请告知该公司的信誉是否良好。
14. 请对以上情况保守秘密,我方对此不负责任。
15. 对此公司,我们还是不表示意见为好。
III.Translate the following sentences into Chinese:
1.We'd like to know your availability and conditions of sale of this line.
2.We know that you are leading exporters of coal and you can provide the quantity we need.
3.We look forward to your quotations for the arts and crafts which we are interested in.
4.Please quote us as soon as you receive our inquiry.
5.We are thinking of placing an order for your Flying Pigeon Brand bicycles. We should be very grateful if you could make us an offer for 200 ones with details.
6.Please send us all the data concerning your Hero Brand fountain pens and ball pens,so we can introduce your products to our customers.
7.I'm buying for chain stores in America. They are interested in Chinese woolen fabrics. I'd like to make an inquiry.
8.We are delighted with your products and are thinking of placing an order. The size of our order will depend greatly on your price.
9.Would you please tell us the price of these electric heaters so as to help us make the decision?
10.We hope this will be a good start for profitable business relations and assure you that your offer will receive our careful consideration.
IV.Translate the following letter into Chinese:
V.Writing skills:
Draft a letter according to the following particulars:MODA Fashions plc. Write to Armstrong Knitters plc. Stating that they have an order for large quantities of ladies' tights. They request samples in fashionable designs and ask for a discount for a large order of 300 dozen.
VI.Write a letter according to the following requirement:
客户要求:1. 报下列产品的实盘:第12号和81号春装花式纽扣。
2. 请寄产品规格,最好带插图。
3. 报价为FOB中国口岸价。
4. 标明最低出口起订量。
5. 请告知包装、重量、交货及其他必要细节。
I. 询盘的结构(Structure of Enquiry)
II. 询盘中常用的单词和短语(Some Useful Words and Expressions in Enquiry)
1.enquire v.
1)ask for information 询问,询盘
We are writing to enquire about the market at your end.
As he was not sure of the quality of the new product on display,Mr. Turner enquired of Mr. Ren about it.
2)ask for 询问,询盘
We regret that the goods you are enquiring for are out of stock at present.
2.enquiry n.
a request for information on the supply of certain goods 询问,询盘
We have a large quantity of enquiry for your goods;please let us have your lowest quotations.
We make an enquiry for 400 units of your DVD Players Model LS2903.
我们发出了一个400台型号为LS2903 DVD播放器的询盘。
1)secret n. 机密
Any information you provide will be treated in strict confidence.
2)belief n. 信心
With respect to the sales potential of the new product,they are full of confidence.
We have every confidence in the uprightness of this firm.
1)customers,clients 顾客,客户,(生意上的)关系
We are looking forward to establishing business connection with your company.
We have business connections all over the world.
The Chamber of Commerce informs us that you have a good connection in this sector.
2)with reference to 关于
In connection with the shipping arrangement,we have to consult with our forwarding agent.
We refer you to your letter of May in connection with the package requirement.
In this connection,we cannot make any decision at present.
5.prospect n.
hope,expectation 希望
There are some prospects of the price recovering before long.
We can see no immediate prospects of getting a repeat order.
There is every prospect of closing the business if the price is reduced.
Is there any prospect of securing early shipment?
6.prospective a.
full of hope满怀希望的,前景看好的
Many manufacturers see China as a large prospective market for their products.
We are inviting our prospective clients to visit our exhibition booth.
The majority of our prospective customers know little English,so we request you to publish your catalogues in Chinese for us.
1)lasting,permanent a. 持久的
They have asked for standing charge of US$500 per year.
If the first lot proves to be satisfactory,we will give you standing orders.
We have the standing permit to export textiles to North America.
2)position,reputation n. 地位,声誉
You may refer to our banker,the Bank of China in London for our financial and credit standing.
We should be glad to know if their financial standing is considered strong.
8.price n. 价格
actual price 实际价格
advanced price 上涨了的价格
average price 平均价格
base price 基价
bedrock price 最低价格
bid price 买方出价,标价
black market price 黑市价格
bottom price 底盘,最低价
ceiling price 最高价
closing price 收盘价格
competitive price 竞争价格,公开招标价格
cost price 成本价格,生产价格
current price 时价,市价,现行价格
current ruling price 时价,市价
discount price 打过折扣的价格
exceptional price 特价
external price 国外价格,对外价格
fair price 合理价格
favourable price 优惠价格
firm price 固定价格
fixed price 固定价格
floor price 最低价格
forward price 期货价格
gross price 毛价,总价
half price 半价
highest price 最高价格
illegal price hike 乱涨价
keen price 低价
legal price 法定价格
lump-sum price 总价格
market price 市价
nominal price 名义价格
offered price 卖方的开价
official fixed price 官价
opening price 开盘价
outside price 最高价格
pay heavy price 付高价
peak price 最高价格
piece price 计价价格
present price 现行价格,市价
prevailing price 现行价格
price support 价格补贴
procurement price 收购价格
purchasing price 收购价格
reasonable price 合理的价格,公道的价格
retail price 零售价格
ruling price 时价,市价
security price 证券行市
selling price 售价
special price 特价
stock price 股票行市,交易所卖价
tape prices 股票(有价证券)牌价
tender price 投标价格
top price 最高价格
total price 总价
“under the hammer”price 拍卖价格
unit price 单价
wholesale price 批发价格
表示价格下跌的单词或短语:decline,dip,drop,fall,go down。
8.quantity n. 数量,大量
additional quantity 追加数量
average quantity 平均数量
considerable quantity 大数量
corresponding quantity 相应的数量
enormous quantity 巨大的数量
entire quantity 整个数量
equal quantity 同等数量
estimated quantity 估计数量
exact quantity 准确数量
extra quantity 额外数量
further quantity 更多的数量
huge quantity 巨大的数量
large quantity 大数量
liberal quantity 充足的数量
limited quantity 有限的数量
maximum quantity 最大数量
minimum quantity 最小数量
moderate quantity 中等数量
reasonable quantity 相当数量
shipment quantity 够装运的数量
sizable quantity 可观的数量
small quantity 小数量
sufficient quantity 足够的数量
substantial quantity 大数量
total quantity 总数量
useful quantity 较大的数量
9.sample n. 样品
as per sample 按照样品
counter sample 反对,对等货样
equal to sample 和样品相同
full range of sample 全套样品
free sample 无价样品
on the basis of sample 根据样品
outturn sample 到货样
up to sample 达到样品,比得上样品
representative sample 有代表性样品
sample book 样品册
sample pad 样品
sample of no value 无价样品
sample of no charge 免费样品
sample free of charge 免费样品
sample post 样品邮寄
sample for reference 参考样品
sample invoice 样品发票
10.quality n. 质量
above the average quality 一般水平以上的质量
average quality 平均质量
bad quality 低劣质量
below the average quality 一般水平以下的质量
best quality 最好的质量
better quality 较好的质量
choice quality 精选的质量
common quality 一般质量
excellent quality 优良质量
fair quality 尚好的质量
fair average quality(F.A.Q) 大路货
fine quality 优质货
first-rate quality 头等质量
first-class quality 头等质量
good merchantable quality 合销质量
high quality 高质量
inferior quality 次质量
low quality 低质量
popular quality 受欢迎的质量,大众化的质量
prime quality 第一流的质量
selected quality 精选的质量
sound quality 完好的质量
standard quality 标准质量
superior quality 优等质量
top quality 上等质量
tip-top quality 第一流质量
usual quality 通常质量
11.Terms used in making enquiries
cash discount 现金折扣quality discount 数量折扣
special discount 特别折扣
credit analysis 信用分析
credit information 信用情报
credit limit 信用限额
credit line 信用透支
credit rating 信用评级
credit reference 信用参考
credit standing 信用状况
do business on a credit basis 凭信用交易
enjoy credit 享有信誉
impair one's credit 危害信誉
make credit purchase 凭信用采购
spoil one's credit 损害信誉
III. 询盘中常用的句子(Some Useful Sentences in Enquiry)
1.We are interested in the desk lamps you advertised in the May issue of“Good Housekeeping”.
2.Please let us know their prices for the bamboo toys as advertised in yesterday's“New York Times”,and the earliest possible date of delivery.
3.We specialize in supplying small stores in rural areas. Over 3,000 of these stores virtually depend on us,and this assured sales outlet enables us to dispose of fairly large quantities.
4.We regularly buy…and would like to know what you have to offer.
5.We would like very much to continue to do business with you and are now awaiting you offers.
6.As the brochures you sent us were badly damaged in the mail,we would like you to mail us some more.
7.Please inform us whether you guarantee your products.
8.Please tell us how long this price list is valid.
9.What quantities of the specified item can you regularly deliver on short notice?
10.Your samples should give us an idea of the colors and quality of the products.
11.Please send us three copies of your latest catalogue at your earliest convenience.
12.We would appreciate your sending us a catalogue of your Rubber Boots together with terms of payment and largest discount you can allow us.
13.Please send us your latest catalogue with your best CIF Paris prices. We will also appreciate your telling us the approximate weight of each article.
14.We have the pleasure of sending you under separate cover,a new catalogue which lists the complete line of our sporting goods. For your information,we checked the items which we hope especially interest you.
15.We cannot trim(take)anything off the price.